For inquiries email [email protected]
Fee: $850
Location: Norfolk, VA
UPDATE: Poppy had a recheck with the vet on Thursday. She is progressing nicely. The pneumonia is resolving but she does need 2 more weeks of antibiotics. After her antibiotics, she will have her spay then be ready for adoption.
Poppy is on medical hold for the next 4-5 weeks while she rehabilitating. WE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS UNTIL JULY 15TH AT THE EARLIEST. We will post an update on our social media when she is available
Poppy is very new to us. She will see the vet 6/15/2023 for a sedated shave down due to SEVERE matting. She will also receive a full vetting. She is very small and needs to gain weight. When we know more about her we will post an update.
Please follow us on social media for the most up to date photos and information.
UPDATE 6/18/23: Poppy received her vetting on 6/15/23 along with a sedated shave down. The vet would like her to gain weight so she will need nutritional therapy over the next month to gain weight. Once she is at a healthy weight she will have her spay. Once recovered she will be ready for adoption. We are currently working through some resource guarding and food aggression issues as she learns she is now safe and food is not scarce. We feel these issues are temporary but will remain consistent in correction of these behaviors while giving her plenty of love.