Toby Jasper (Schnauzer) Titan Midnight Rudolph Mason Patch Jordan Jewel Joyful June Lulu Teddy Bear Miss Bella Willie Scrappy Lexie Stewie Scotty Baby Bailey Prince Charming Winkie Luke Mocha Ryles Finley Snow White Tanner Sprout Yoshi Vinny Bitsy Katy Perry Dumplin’ Nelli Mattie Annabelle Gloria Sampson Sparky Shannea Hercules Lola Bee Macie Francine Finn Tina Turner Delilah Bailey Anna Mae Daisy Mae Ginger Fannie Princess Lily Baby Girl Jack Jack Honey Baxter Mandy King Louie Cookie Dough Lucky Oliver Daisy Duke Buddy Apollo Creed Harry Freddie Candy Romeo Teddy Irene Maisie PJ Shiloh Lydia Bethany Jade Baby Rosie Carlton Daphne Molly Rocky Didi Johnny Barbie Bridget Scooby Doo Bonnie Logan Tiny Tim Bear Bentley Boo Bea Bea Benny Lucy Bubbles Jenny Stanley Paisley Dio Boyd Rickey Bobby Poppy Demi Luigi Gracie Benji Little Man Cookie Smoky Alfalfa Litter: The Little Rascals Darla Litter: The Little Rascals Biscuit Spanky Litter: The Little Rascals Nikki Louie Lola Sasha Jojo Duke Yoshi Honey Bear Buster Kiko Buttons Petey Jake Fendy Rose Bella Henry Chewy Toby Peaches Taffy Houdini Jerry Ben Bruno Coco Vern Laverne Shirley Bonded With: Laverne Oreo Estelle aka Stella Joy Louise Gordy Butterball Cupcake Bellini Scooter Pierre Frankie Thelma Peggy Prissy Cotton Eddie Milo Sugar Milly Stan Gracie Dorothy Glen_ Bam Bam_ Chloe Sky_ Miss Happy_ Major Charlie Iron Man (teal) Captain America (blue) Happy Penelope Thor (orange) Storm (pink) Scarlet Witch (purple) Black Widow (red) Rue Paris Betty White Apollo
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